About Peelaway Marine

Why choose Peelaway Marine?

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Why Choose Peelaway Marine?


Peelaway® Marine is specially formulated to effectively remove multiple layers of anti-foul coatings with one application, saving time by reducing the need for repeated scraping. Its patented water based poultice system means the product remains active and works without rapidly drying out. The special poultice blanket supplied enables stripped anti-foul paint to be collected easily and so reduces boatyard/dockside contamination risk. Always carry out a test patch before general application. Suitable for most hull types including GRP, wood, steel and concrete. 

  • Reduces labour time 
  • No airborne toxic particles are released which are associated with the dry scraping of anti-foul
  • Waste can be collected in the blankets reducing yard contamination risks
  • Multiple hulls can be prepared / stripped / recoated / in an assembly line
  • It is less aggressive on the hull compared to blasting which can reveal Osmotic blisters
  • A non corrosive formula


For any more information please contact the sales office. 

T: 0117 960 0060  E: sales@barrettine.co.uk


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